Sallar Kaboli / Exploring JavaScript & Things.

**tl;dr**: Calculating mouse wheel value across browsers is a real pain in the ass. Avoid it as long as you can.

So nowadays there’s all these talks about React, Redux and so many other cool things to do. But usually at our day jobs, we can’t just start using all these modern things. We have IE9 customers to think about and we have to make sure our stuff won’t break for them, otherwise we’d be out of business.

Recently I’ve been given a task at work which involves mouse wheel/trackpad scrolling. I’d have to capture that event, change it’s speed and velocity, and animate an element using that information.

I started developing this using Chrome on OS X, with Magic Mouse, and everything was smooth and easy. In it’s simplest form:

container.addEventListener("mousewheel", (e) => { = `translate3d(0, ${e.deltaY / 3}px, 0)`;

You’d think this would work nicely everywhere, but nope. There are several things wrong with this code:

  • The event is not called mousewheel in every browser.
  • e.deltaY is not available in all browsers.
  • transform and translate3d are not available in all browsers.

Fixing it

First, let’s add an event listener for other browsers:

container.addEventListener("mousewheel", handleScroll);
container.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handleScroll);

This will cover IE and couple of other browsers. Then now the real trouble begins:

  • Some browsers report e.deltaY in Wheel Event
  • Some browsers report e.wheelDelta and they are multiplied by 120
  • Some browsers report e.detail and sometimes they are multiplied by 3
  • Some browsers report both e.wheelDelta and e.detail
  • Number signs in mouse wheel event are different across browsers (+/-)
  • Some browsers don’t pass the event to the callback at all! And you’d have to read the event from window.event!

My first attempt to solve this was a solution like this:

// Determine the speed
if (typeof e.deltaY !== "undefined") {
    travel = 0 - parseInt(e.deltaY / 3, 10);
} else if (typeof e.wheelDelta !== "undefined") {
    travel = parseInt((e.wheelDelta / 120) / 3, 10);
} else if (typeof e.detail !== "undefined") {
    travel = 0 - parseInt(e.detail / 3, 10);

Which is quite terrible and doesn’t work as expected. The numbers are not the same so the animation speed would be really different across browsers. Which is not something that we want.

After some Googling, I came across this page which was mentioned in a Stack Overflow issue. I cleaned up the code a bit:

function wheelDistance(evt) {
    if (!evt) {
        evt = window.event;

    let w = evt.wheelDelta,
        d = evt.detail;

    if (d) {
        if (w) {
            return ((w / d / 40 * d) > 0) ? 1 : -1; // Opera
        return -d / 3; // Firefox;

    return w / 120; // IE, Safari & Chrome

This function tries to solve all issues I mentioned earlier and normalize the output. Then I could just use the output and adjust the speed as needed. To solve the transform and translate3d issues I added prefixes:

container.addEventListener("mousewheel", handleScroll);
container.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", handleScroll);

function handleScroll(e) {
    let deltaY = wheelDistance(e); = `translate3d(0, ${deltaY}px, 0)`; // Modern browsers = `translate3d(0, ${deltaY}px, 0)`; // Webkit = `translate(0, ${deltaY}px)`; // Use 2D transform for IE9


In case you have to do the same thing, here are some links: - Mouse wheel programming using Javascript - Wheel data normalization (Demo) - Normalizing mousewheel speed across browsers

tags: Javascript